Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Addendum to Previous Post

Guess I'm not quite done:

11) I have no electricity. After making my inaugural Trader Joe's run this evening, I returned home with a bucketful of frozen lasagnas and burritos to find the electricity in my neighborhood had gone missing. Initially I thought it was just me, but it turns out a power line pole down the road somehow snapped itself in half, and there are about 700 of us without lights, air conditioning, etc. The power went off about 4pm. It's now 11, and it's still not on, so I'm staying the night with friends. My frozen TJ's items, meanwhile, are sitting in my nonfunctioning freezer and have, by now, melted into lukewarm puddles of sauce and gluten. I don't even want to think about what's happened at the popsicle shop a few doors down.



Ben said...

Living in an apartment that has lost electricity three times in the past week, I can feel your pain. As for the other 10 problems you've recently run into, I only hope at least a few iron themselves out over the next few days.

Jen said...

Are things better? At least Kate's on her way. I had no idea so much had hit the fan--I hadn't read your blog this week yet--til Ben told me today. Chin up. Things will settle, improve, move on. And if your landlord is as moronic as he seems and the apartment is not what you want, well, you know my motto--move. Ick, but not so bad once it's over. :P